Monday, 1 April 2013

A plan for April

I had quite a few goals for March and they were only slightly thrown off track by losing a week to the Worst Cold Ever. My goals were:

1. Knitting. Get on with my knitting of the purple jumper. This has been quite successful. I've knitted about half the body and I've done the bits that are (relatively) complicated so it should be pretty plain sailing from here. However, I also did some unscheduled knitting and made my two kit scarves, so I am actually ahead of myself on the knitting goals for the year front.

2. Bags. Make the Wedding Clutch, which I just posted about yesterday.

3. Garments. Make some items of my Earth and Spring 6PAC. So far I've finished Skirt #1 and Skirt #2. I'd hoped to be a bit further on with it all now but this is where the week I lost with the cold was a problem for me. However, I did also make two unplanned tops with my new most favourite pattern in the world.

I call that a pretty successful month, overall!

As far as my Plan For April is concerned, it's really more of the same.

1. Knitting. Keep on going with the purple jumper. I'd like to think I might finish this month, but I'm not worried if it spills over to May.

2. Bags. No major bag projects this month. I'm having a bit of a lull in sales on my shop, which is mildly distressing, but on the plus side it's also meant not having to make anything to restock. Now that the wedding clutch is done, the only big bag project on the horizon is the waterproof Olivia and I'm planning to make that one of my summer projects.

3.  Garments. Finish the Earth and Spring 6PAC and, if I have the time, get started on the Wedding Outfit that goes with the Wedding Clutch.

I've actually made massive revisions to the Earth and Spring 6PAC ideas, so the collection now looks like this:

Earth and Spring collection overview
Obviously, the two skirts I've already made. The two tees are to my new most favourite pattern ever from Ottobre 02-2013 and will be quick to make. I've also made New Look 6025 before. I want to make quite a few changes to the pattern this time -- fix the neckline, add bust darts, etc. -- but it's also a really easy pattern, changes notwithstanding. The fabric description ("pink floral") is underwhelming but the fabric is great: it's a perfect colour match to go with the beige cotton skirt as well as having the most beautiful texture to it. I've left in a question mark for another top as well. I know what fabric I want to use but I haven't quite managed to settle on a pattern yet.

The big project is of course the unlined jacket. On reflection I decided to go for a very easy, fitted jacket and settled on New Look 6911. I'm kind of scared to start it, though, to be honest.  More on this over the next few weeks, I'm sure.

If I have time, I'm also going to get started on the Wedding Outfit, but I'll post more about that if I really get close to making it. I've got the whole of May to work on it if I need to.


  1. Love the look of your plan - especially the New Look jacket. Looking forward to seeing it made.

    1. I am very scared of that jacket! *bites fingernails*
